Platform Chats
Platform Chats
Setting Goals and Leveraging Opportunities for Success
As seasons change, so do the terms of Association Officers. On this episode, Walt chats with outgoing AREMA President Trent Hudak, PE, Director Engineering Services, BNSF Railway, and incoming AREMA President, current Senior Vice President Ray Verrelle, PE, Vice President Engineering Services, Amtrak. The trio discusses the importance of goal setting when taking on a new role. How a one-year term as president is a three-year assignment, so having a plan is vital. The importance of leveraging opportunities to make events more attractive and financially feasible for the industry. They’ll also consider how a mode of transportation as old as rail is surprisingly innovative and environmentally friendly. It’s an episode that touches on it all. It’s the last episode before the AREMA 2023 Annual Conference in conjunction with Railway Interchange. If there is anything keeping you on the fence about attending, let this be the episode that pushes you forward.